how to heal while falling in love

i’m in the swells of these healing daydreams the way multi-colored roses spiral into pastel petals unfurling, undulating, undressing themselves making me stop to see the grand design like i’m experiencing silk for the first time the way spring tastes like  really strong botanical gin like it’s wearing frills like ballerina tulle like it’s begging to be a pick me girl like suddenly the entire world is mine again with a soft kiss on the cheek like a liberated subconscious under a bridge like oysters with that pink mignonette sauce like fleshy violet noise or like the echo of lilac that sustains the splendor of a sunset like losing my breath to the edge of elsewhere like flying beside the full moon like the sky was meant to suspend you the way a garden decomposes loss and turns it into a new forever

Michy Woodward (she/her)

Michy Woodward (she/her) is a queer, mixed-race Asian-American Brooklyn based writer and artist. Her poetry has been published or is forthcoming in Bullshit Lit, Queerlings, Lavender Review, Roi Faineant Press and The Amazine. You can find her on instagram @michywoodward


What a Tomato Can Be

