Submissions will open APRIL 1st (not a joke)!
SUBS ARE CLOSED! Feel free to look at Issue One, Issue Two, Issue Three, and Issue Four for inspiration until then!
When submissions are open:
email us your submission to as a Word Doc, and use standard formatting (ie, 12 pt font, 1 inch margins, some sort of serif/sans serif-esq font, etc.)
the subject line should include the genre of your submission (if hybrid, cool! Tell us!)
please send in only one submission per genre
you can submit work for multiple genres, just make sure to send these as separate emails with the appropriate subject lines for each genre
include a (short) 3rd person bio, social links, pronouns, and anything else your heart desires
do not send us previously published work (this includes pieces featured on your social media/personal blogs/etc.)
simultaneous subs are allowed (and encouraged! get those pubs, goose!) but let us know ASAP if you need to pull your piece (preferably by replying to your original submission email)
PLEASE read and follow the genre specific guidelines below!
Honk <<>>
What We’re Looking For:
CRAFT-FORWARD WHIMSY – if your work isn’t this, that’s cool, but we’re probably not a great fit! Here’s what we wanna read:
craft-forward work
fabulism, the fantastical, whimsy, color, magic
work that reminds us we love to read (i.e. the work doesn’t need to be “happy” but the editors would like to feel happy to have read it)
a good sense of humor (we don’t need to laugh out loud, but who doesn’t love a good chortle here and there?)
fiction submissions should be addressed to Rhiannon and Ian :)
up to 3k words of prose!
writing should be double spaced :)
things R & I like (but send other things anyway):
wacky and weird stories that make you pause and re-evaluate your life
anything to do with mythology or fairy tales (the more obscure the better)
For Issue 4, we would love fairy tales and mythology outside of the Western Canon (especially from Central and South America.)
anything slightly spooky or kooky
We love a haunted narrative
LGBTQIA+ characters or storylines
ambiguous endings
They’re mostly the same as the fiction guidelines above, BUT:
non-fiction submissions should be addressed to Parker Dean :0
up to 3k words
writing should be double spaced :)
things Parker Dean likes (but send other things anyway!):
beautiful, long, convoluted, mixed, and sexy metaphors
stories about that one weird night you had in college
steamy, lustful yearning
LGBTQIA+ stories <3
happy endings (especially if there is a dog involved)
poetry submissions should be addressed to Lexi <3
send us up to 5 poems, keeping to a max page count of 12
poems may be formatted to your heart's desire, but know that sometimes websites are VERY SILLY GEESE and we will have to fuss around a bit
Lexi’s Loves:
sappho/sapphic reads/sapphic words/you get the picture
glitter gel pen poetry
yearning/wanting/desiring/pining/riiiight, you get me
fabulism :D
close reading Taylor Swift lyrics for the lore
queer girl friendships
having a crush that almost kills ya
Art + Photography submissions should be addressed to Eric :-D
Please send a selection of up to 10 of your finest photos or pieces of art
Please send with a singular overarching title (though this can change if we only accept certain works)
JPG/PNG format in the highest quality possible
Include the art piece title
Things Eric likes:
simple, clean vibes
European summer vibes
Disclaimer: we may only take certain pieces and not all regardless of if they’re submitted in a cohesive set or not.
Looking for some inspiration? Check out our previously published issues + social media for a vibe check
New to the whole lit mag/submissions thing? No worries! Here are our top tips:
We wrote out the deets on what we’re rocking with for a reason! If you work doesn’t fit the vibe, then find a lit mag that’s more in alignment with your voice.
Cover Letters
What the flock goes into one of these things anyways? Here’s a sample of a cover letter that works for us; this is what we want to see in the body of your submission email, too!
If your work gets accepted by SGP, we will provide a contract for you to sign prior to publication--this helps to protect us both. Here’s what that looks like:
little bit of Legal Biz
Upon selection for publication, Silly Goose Press reserves First Serial Rights & First Electronic Rights for 1 (one) year. If your work is published elsewhere following publication in Silly Goose Press, whether print or online, we ask that Silly Goose Press be credited as the original publisher.