five haikus about teeth

stole four teeth from the 

shades of my mouth, shrouded in 

soil and summoned you

an equitable

compromise: what i’ve flowered

twists statuesque stems;

(canine betrothal:

promise me your teeth so i

know it can be real)

so we’re peppered with

incandescent warmth these days

hands twined with sunbeams

i don’t tell you: you

know already. maybe, do

you know how to love?

Stephanie Anderson (she/they)

Stephanie Anderson (she/they) is a library worker, union organizer, and MS Professional Writing student in Baltimore, Maryland. She's almost burnt down her apartment multiple times but if her renter's insurance company is reading this that isn't true. More of their work is held in Genrepunk, MIDLVLMAG, The Coalition, and en*gendered, or you can find them screaming into pixels at @whoastanderson or


Deflated After Christmas


Hiring That Surrealist Architect Was A Huge Mistake