Get It? Like "Leaves"? Anyway.

there's this one tree I know

and I'm convinced that if it could

it would tell me what to do next


but it communicates like a God

which is to say

it communicates quite poorly

and lets you think it's your fault


it tells me about death

then leaves the silence ground

to make it fertile

Jonathan Freeman (he/him/them)

Jonathan (he/him/them) is a fat, queer, and devoutly anti-capitalist presbyterian minister and piddling musician. Today, he is grateful for TV shows from his youth that actually hold up, and shirts that fit well enough to make him feel like a person. Feel free to follow him (@ReverendPear most places) if you want.

The Holy Grail of Winnifred


I am out of wiper fluid and a bird just shat on my windscreen