Seguidilla for Benedict Cumberbatch

His head is like a peanut,
the kind from Five Guys
that has a third stowaway 
nut on the inside.
How can it be true
that am I so attracted
to this posh legume?

Joshua Boers

Joshua Boers has published short stories and poetry in Procrastinating Writers United, Cosmic Daffodil Journal, The MockingOwl Roost, and Infinity Wanderers. He won the Judge’s Choice award in the 2024 Write Michigan Short Story Contest. By day, he is an editorial assistant at an indie book publisher. By night, he can generally be found reading P. G. Wodehouse novels, playing with his cat Mishka, or writing sonnets based on Wikipedia articles.


Dyspneic’s Lament


i think i might be a forbidden soup